Get The Right Cleaning Solvent Alternative

可持续性和监管方面的担忧促使企业寻找传统溶剂(如n -丙基溴(NPB))的替代品。, Trichloroethylene (TCE), 以及用于金属部件清洗和脱脂的过氯乙烯(PCE/ PERC).  澳门威尼斯人网上赌场一直在帮助制造商解决这些问题,使用低影响的溶剂或水性清洁化学品.

Current Regulatory Status: April 2024

  • Trichloroethylene: In October 2023, 美国环保署提出了一项风险管理规则,以解决三氯乙烯对人类健康构成的不合理风险, 包括最终修订的TCE风险确定
  • Perchloroethylene: In June 2023, 环保署建议禁止PCE的大部分用途,并针对未被禁止的用途建立工作场所化学品保护计划(WCCP),以解决对人类健康的不合理风险.
  • nPB: also known as 1-bromopropane (1-BP), In December 2022, EPA发布了最终修订的1-BP风险测定. The final revised risk determination finds that 1-BP, as a whole chemical, 在其使用条件下对健康有不合理的损害风险. Risk evaluation for 1-Bromopropane
  • Methylene ChlorideEPA最终确定了TSCA下的法规,以管理与二氯甲烷相关的风险. 这些规定包括禁止生产, processing, 为消费者提供二氯甲烷的分销. Additionally, most industrial and commercial uses, including paint and coating removers, are prohibited. 通过《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》建立了严格的工作场所保护措施,以确保工人在剩余用途中的安全.
  • 18 Months After Finalization (Estimated Late 2025)1:从2024年4月起,工作场所将有大约18个月的时间来遵守工作场所化学品保护计划. During this time, 他们必须实施严格的工作场所控制,并定期监测其环境,以确保工人不暴露于有害水平的二氯甲烷.
  • Future美国环保署计划举办网络研讨会,教育利益相关者了解最终的风险管理规则,并将制定指南,帮助小企业遵守法规. 将提供公众和利益相关者参与的机会, 包括与EPA代表进行一对一的会谈,以及获取电子邮件提醒和公共摘要以获取更新和信息.

Current Status of Traditional Halogenated Solvents

SolventEPA Rule StatusRule DateOSHA (PEL) ppmACGIH (TLV) ppmEPA (ECEL) ppmDate Rule to be EnactedVapor Degreasing Allowed?Notes from Federal Register
MEC Final5/8/2024255024/28/2026NO; except for NASA & federal useAll uses prohibited except Federal exemptions
TCEProposed10/31/2023100250.004270 days after final ruleNO; except for NASA & federal useProhibition for most consumer and industrial use
PCEProposed6/16/2023100250.1424 months after final ruleYes, with WCPP*Prohibition for most consumer and industrial use
NPBProposed8/8/2024n/a0.10.05n/aYes, with WCPP*Public comments accepted until 9/23/2024
*工作场所化学品保护计划- EPA加强了安全协议,包括严格的暴露阈值和控制计划, workplace monitoring, worker training. PPE program implementation and record keeping.

Which is the Right Choice for You?

Next-Gen Solvents


Solvent cleaning 蒸汽脱脂是使用有机溶剂溶解部件上的有机污染物的过程.

More environmentally friendly solvents such as modified alcohols (Dowclene™和Dualene™)可用于真空脱脂剂中,以节省成本,安全性和有效性. 这种溶剂清洗需要资金投入, including the purchase of a vacuum degreaser.

Tergo is a precision cleaning fluid that is a non-flammable, 热和水解稳定的清洁剂,可以滴入一个开顶蒸汽脱脂剂与最小的变化或改造.

Aqueous Cleaners


Aqueous cleaning 是使用化学添加剂的水基工艺吗, surfactants and rinsing to remove contaminants.

我们为任何土壤、基质或清洁过程提供70多种水基化学品.  With a transition to aqueous cleaning, 您应该考虑这将如何影响您的过程中使用的热量, multiple tanks, drying time and increased footprint.

清洁名人迈克·瓦伦蒂加入了我们关于这个话题的两部分系列播客: Part 1 & Part 2.

Looking for Proof?

Looking for Proof?

本次网络研讨会由TURI (Toxic Use Reduction Institute)主办,展示了在我们专家的帮助下,CD Aero如何从溶剂清洁转向水性清洁,从而实现年度成本节约和生产率提高.

Cleaning is a Process

虽然氯化/氟化/溴化溶剂在精密清洗方面具有优势, 还有其他方法可以清除金属表面的土壤. 清洁被认为是一个过程,因为它不仅仅是化学的——好的清洁取决于几个因素:

  • Metal type
  • Soil type
  • Parts geometry
  • Available footprint
  • Application cleanliness requirements
  • Throughput requirements
  • Energy demands
  • EHS and regulatory
  • Waste handling
  • Cost

Why Switch to an Alternative?

On December 20, 2019, 根据《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(TSCA), EPA最终确定了20种化学物质为“风险评估高优先级”。. Included are Methylene chloride, Perchloroethylene (PCE/ PERC), 正丙基溴(NPB)——EPA称之为1-溴丙烷——和三氯乙烯(TCE).

Today, 这些化学品正在通过《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》要求的程序,以评估它们可能对人类健康或环境构成的任何不合理风险.  下一步是按优先顺序对这些现有化学品进行风险管理. 环保署可以采取一些措施来解决不合理的风险, 包括禁止或限制生产的规定, processing, distribution, commercial use, or disposal of the chemical substance, as applicable.

Solvent Risk Mitigation by Regulatory Bodies

此外,不同的监管机构对降低风险有不同的看法. Below is an example on how OSHA, ACGIH和EPA对TCE/PEC/nPB/MEC的可接受暴露限值有所不同.
SolventOSHA (PEL) ppmACGIH (TLV) ppmEPA (ECEL) ppm

Ppm – parts per million
Tlv – threshold limit value
Pel – permissible expose limit
Ecel – existing chemical exposure limit (8 hour)
Stel – short term exposure limit (15 minutes)

Schedule a cleaning consult today.